Minnesota and Wisconsin Business Law
Minnesota and Wisconsin Business Formation
Before starting a business, issues such as ownership, licensing, entity selection, company structure and financing sources must be determined. We assist our clients in making decisions on all aspects of business formation in Minnesota and Wisconsin, including prepare the entity documents (Corporation, Sub-S Corporation, LLC, LLP, joint venture, partnership, etc.), licensing, and negotiate and prepare owner agreements, financing agreements and loan documents.
Minnesota and Wisconsin Business Dissolution
Businesses dissolve for reasons ranging from end of business purpose, retirement, owner disputes, and financial hardship. We encourage our clients to obtain our involvement as early as possible before dissolving because we can help our clients exit the business with the least hardship (personal and financial) through advising on priority of creditors to pay, personal exposure to business debt, items to complete as part of the wind-down process, and proper termination of business. We also assist our clients in getting rid of troublesome business co-owners and protecting against unlawful freeze-out of our clients by their co-owners. We make sure that you comply will all requirements for a Minnesota or Wisconsin business dissolution.
Business Operations
We act as outside general counsel for our clients and advise on a broad range of operating issues such as employee relations, unfair competition, non-compete and non-disclosure agreements, customer disputes, vendor disputes, regulatory and licensing compliance and enforcement actions and business contracts. We make sure that you will comply will all Minnesota and Wisconsin statutory requirements in such important areas as Minnesota employee law and Wisconsin employee law.
Business Purchase and Sale
Whether a transaction from a few thousand dollars to millions, we have assisted many buyers and sellers of businesses in structuring the transaction, negotiating and preparing the transfer documents and assisting with due diligence. We represent out of state buyers of a Minnesota or Wisconsin based business.