In 2011, the EPA began enforcement efforts of the Lead Repair, Renovation, and Painting Rule. The most common method employed thus far is an audit of project records. Fines well in excess of $20,000 have been assessed against contractors simply for failing to have a customer sign a form acknowledging receipt of the Renovate Right Brochure. Will you be next?
In May 2011, the EPA began sending letters to contractors announcing that they would be reviewing the overall level of compliance with the recording keeping requirements of the RRP Regulations. If you thought the RRP rule would be enforced only by site visits, think again. The EPA will be reviewing contractors’ paperwork for renovations preformed on pre-1978 properties going back three years. The EPA may obtain lists of building permits pulled on pre-1978 homes, then contact contractors and request copies of documents to evaluate compliance, or lack of compliance, with the rule. How many have the proper records? In fact, how many building contractors have NO records at all? Do YOU know what records to keep? Do YOU know how to properly document your renovations?
Will You Bet Your Business on Your Employees
The EPA RRP rule places responsibility for collecting all the required records on the Certified Renovator, but fines the Certified Firm when the records aren’t complete.
Our Lead Renovation Reporting Documents make it easy for the Certified Renovator to collect all the data required by the EPA, and gives you peace of mind knowing that nothing has been missed.
Required Records
- Certifications that you attempted delivery or mailed the Renovate Right brochure to all affected persons.
- Records of notification activities performed for common area renovations
- Reports or test kit information certifying that lead-based paint is not present
- Proof of the Certified Renovator’s certification; identity and training provided to non-certified workers
- Certification that warning signs were posted
- Certification that the work area was properly contained and that waste was properly disposed of
- Certification that the area was properly cleaned and the post-cleaning verifications were performed
Communicate Professionally with your Customer
The EPA RRP rule requires that you provide a copy of the records to your customer with the final invoice. Professional documents that are easy for your customer to understand provide piece of mind for your customers that you’ve take the steps necessary to protect their family from lead hazards.
Out lead renovation document are designed to be easily understood. All the required information is presented in an easy to read format reducing follow up calls from customers while projecting a professional image of your contracting business.
Meets Statutory Requirements
These simple, easy-to-complete forms prompt your Certified Renovator to “check the box” and “fill in the line” so no required information is missed. Keep the original documents in your project file for at least three years, and you will be ready whenever the EPA investigator contacts you.